Week Four
Cherry Tree, PA – Fairview, PA
We spent a few
days in Cherry Tree
to finalize business
Mom McKeehen
made Ron his favorite lunch – Flossie’s baked Macaroni & cheese.
Cherry Tree was
named for a huge wild black cherry tree that once stood on a point of land
where Cush Cushion Creek joined the West Branch of the Susquehanna River.
It was here that the river became too shallow for canoes to go further and
hence the name "Canoe Place". In 1804 the Commonwealth created the counties of Cambria,
Clearfield and Indiana, all cornering on the cherry tree.
We said “see
you soon” to some old friends.
Next stop: Fairview. We drove north to see Nancy’s family. “The toys” photo on the Home page was taken
in Fairview. The photo on this page was
our view out the front windows. Jane
& Greg – neighbors of Nancy’s parents – graciously let us park in the “back
40” of their driveway.
Since the
leaves had started to turn, we knew that winter on the Great Lakes wasn’t that
far away.
Winter Is Fast Approaching on Lake Erie